Thousands of data points from local, state, and federal sources for all New Yorkers to know the facts, share the facts, and be part of solutions in every community.

About 39% of families with young children who responded to our survey were unaware of subsidized child care programs they may be eligible for. Read our report on building a universal ECE system in NYC. 
View early childcare sites across NYC with Map Community Resources
An income gap of $134,000 exists between households in the lowest ($24,000) and highest ($158,000) income groups.  Keeping Track of New York City's Children: 2024.
Check other facts on children and families with Explore Data
*DATA BOOK* Keeping Track of New York City’s Children: 2024
For eight decades, research and fact-finding have been foundational pillars of Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York’s child advocacy. Since 1993, through our hallmark publication Keeping Track of New York City’s Children, CCC has biennially provided detailed, community-specific data to better understand the status and experiences of New York City’s children, families and communities and inform calls to action to combat disparities and improve well-being. This desk reference compliments our online resource, offering hundreds of data points on child and family well-being in New York City.